
Discussion Topic

Here you will find the latest news on Official Statistics. If you would like to add a blogpost or have an idea for a blog series, don't hesitate to contact us.

The Statistical Journal of the IAOS, Volume 37/3, on ‘New Developments in Training in Official Statistics’  discusses in 22 manuscripts the recent trends in training in official statistics. See https...

The seventh discussion focuses on Misuse of Statistics. It aims to center around the need for trustworthy information to guide decision making and enable citizens to understand issues that affect...

Closed for Discussion: The four “discussion starter” statements of the sixth discussion are based on experiences from Asia-Pacific countries as reflected in the special section on the Asia-Pacific...

The second discussion will center around statements taken from an article by Walter Radermacher Governing-by-the-numbers / Statistical Governance Reflections on the future of official statistics in a...