Interview with Reimund Mink, about his book ‘Official Statistics - A Plaything of Politics? On the interaction of Politics, Official Statistics, and Ethical Principles’
Reimund Mink, a former employee from the European Central Bank recently published the book ‘Official Statistics - A Plaything of Politics? On the interaction of Politics, Official Statistics, and Ethical Principles’. The experience from Reimund with government finance statistics in European but also in many non-European countries is a rich source for dedicated reflections and lessons to learn from the roles that official statistics, (can) play in politics. His book is a rich source of information on the backgrounds for and details of the role of official statistics and their political use. Ivo Havinga, former Assistant Director Economics Statistics of the United Nations Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, managing partner, and academic, and present senior advisor in statistical information systems for sustainable development, was found willing to interview the author Reimund Mink.
The full interview can be found in the Statistical Journal of the IAOS, Vol39/3, pp. 545-555.
Also via the following link: https://content.iospress.com/articles/statistical-journal-of-the-iaos/s…