George Sciadas
George Sciadas, a former director from Statistics Canada, recently published the book ‘Number Savvy’, with the subtitle ‘From the Invention of Numbers to the Future of Data’. Though in recent years several books on data were published, this book is striking from several perspectives. It has been written by an insider, an experienced employee from a national statistical office, though in a style that allows a wide range of readers to understand and enjoy the material. Another reason for putting the spotlight on this book is its explicit structure, highlighting crucial elements of the production of statistics as well as its use, which makes it a tremendously useful book for those involved in training in statistical literacy. With this specific focus in mind, Walter Radermacher was found willing to interview the author George Sciadas.
The full interview can be found in the Statistical Journal of the IAOS, Vol39/2, pp: 269-280. Also via this link: