25 May 2024
Interview with Stefan Schweinfest
In 2024 Stefan Schweinfest celebrates his 10th anniversary as director of the UN Statistics Division and just organized the 55th session of the UN Statistics Commission meeting with his team. Moreover, with over 30 years of experience at the UN and playing this central role in the Official Statistics community, SJIAOS found it the time to have an extended interview with Stefan Schweinfest. The interview is based on the transcript of an informal chat held over video. The pleasant and informative atmosphere of the chat can of course hardly be reflected by the written version of this interview.
In the interview, Stefan Schweinfest talks about his career and milestones. He elaborates on the role and challenges of the UN Statistics Division as well as the increased complexity of the Official Statistics Community. He also elaborates on the role of the SDGs in the development of statistics, the emergence of the Geo-statistics and Geographic Information System community, and the important role of the UN Fundamental Principles for Official Statistics.
The full interview can be found in the June issue of the Statistical Journal of the IAOS, Vol40/2, pp 189-200, and via the following link:https://content.iospress.com/articles/statistical-journal-of-the-iaos/s…