Statistical Journal of the IAOS

Andreea Erciulescu


Andreea Erciulescu, winner of the 3rd prize in the 2022 IAOS Young Statisticians Prize competition, with her manuscript: Statistical data integration models to reconcile health official statistics.

3rd Prize winner, IAOS Young Statisticians Prize 2022

Dr. Andreea Erciulescu is a Senior Statistician at Westat, working on the interface between survey statistics and other areas of statistics, including combining multiple surveys and non-survey sources to answer complex analytic questions of interest to federal agencies. Her areas of expertise include Bayesian statistics, hierarchical models, measurement error, official statistics, resampling methods, small area estimation, statistical data integration, and survey statistics. Dr. Erciulescu is an Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute, and serves as the US representative on the Executive Committee of the International Association of Survey Statistics, the student travel award chair for the Washington Statistical Society, and the 2023 Program Chair for the American Statistical Association’s Survey Research Methods Section. She received a B.A. in Mathematics, with double concentration in Mathematics of Information and Technology and Statistics, from Colorado State University, and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Statistics from Iowa State University.


Invited to make a statement on the Young Statisticians Prize Andreea said: 

Official statistics are the to-go source for accurate information about population. Policy makers rely on official statistics to make informed decisions. Therefore, we need to continue to produce unbiased and precise estimates for the benefit of the society. The Young Statisticians Prize inspired me to tackle the challenge of bridging two sets of U.S. health official statistics on the same quantity of interest. I hope other young statisticians working on important official statistics problems submit their papers for this competition to share their innovative ideas and get feedback from their peers.