Atika has worked as a statistician at BPS-Statistics Indonesia for several years, in the Directorate of Finance, Information Technology, and Tourism Statistics. Her work includes surveys preparations, data editing and processing, generating reports and using statistical software to analyse it. She is experienced in handling large datasets, writing the output descriptions and visualisations for analysing them. Her current work also includes e-commerce and digital economy, Business Characteristics Survey, and statistics of international trade in services.
Since her bachelor's degree at the Polytechnic of Statistics Jakarta, she has been interested in learning new things, such as statistics, economics, technology, self-improvement, etc., including time series analysis and econometrics. The Polytechnic of Statistics is a university managed by Statistics Indonesia, she was taught sample surveys until two stages, both theoretical and practical.
In her master's degree, she gaine new knowledge in advanced subjects. This challenged her to take difficult courses in advanced statistics and computing. She also learned official statistics taught by Statistics New Zealand in her first semester, and was amazed by their Integrated Data Infrastructure, and realised that GSBPM was originally from Stats NZ business process model. Since then, she has been interested in sample surveys, machine learning and data science.
Inviting Atika for a statement on the Young Statisticians Prize she said:
The Young Statisticians Prize has inspired and encouraged young statisticians like me to publish works in the field of official statistics. We have some greater challenges nowadays as a result of the rapid changes in the world, such as those triggered by digitalisation and globalisation. Those challenges must motivate young statisticians to keep learning, exploring, and developing new methods so that, as statisticians, we can contribute to the development of official statistics.